What@! Brutal Rust made a tank?

What@! Brutal Rust made a tank?

January 06, 2018 1 Comment


Brutal Rust wanted to bring it BIG time at the 2017 HAA show. We collectively decided to build a tank that would be crashing through steel walls. The idea was to model a tank after the Sherman tank and scale it to fit our trade show booth size. The task was huge! Literally.

I can't say what part of the build was the hardest. I can say that it was a ton of fun to build. We worked passionately on the project off and on for a few weeks. Eventually, we had an extremely realistic looking tank that was ready to showcase at the Haunted Attractions and Entertainments largest trade show.

From the initial concept, the Brutal Rust team built the tank with transport in mind. The tank had to be loaded into a travel trailer and transported from Houston, Texas all the way to St. Louis, Missouri.

Most of our large props and sets are build outside in the Houston humidity and ever-changing weather. Pale Night Productions can attest to the unrelenting Houston weather. (wink, wink). We worked through torrential rain showers, searing heat and random wind storms. Regardless of the weather challenges, the Brutal Rust team focused on the task at hand and delivered what was one of the largest talks of the HAA show.


The Brutal Rust Company.


1 Response


September 22, 2018

This looks killer! How did you make that?

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